Our Feasibility Services
Our Team defines a feasibility study as analytical information that takes all relevant project aspects into consideration, (including programmatic, financial, technical, environmental, and scheduling components) to determine the probability of completing the project successfully while assessing impacts of our Client's defined constraints and expectations.
It's a tool that can be utilized as a comprehensive "snapshot" for any project being considered for design and construction, without major professional services fee commitments and associated expenses. While minimal fees at project onset may be viewed as an asset to the Client, the true reward in our feasibility reports is providing thorough information in an expeditious manner to assist our Client's with determining appropriate adjustments to initial project criteria and assumptions.
Our Feasibility and Planning Services include:
Needs Assessment
Many municipal facilities operate well past their original building lifespan, and often become overcrowded and lacking sufficient infrastructure. These working environments invariably result in a decline in staff efficiency and impact morale of the agency or departmental user.
The first step in a project determined to correct or replace these deficiencies would benefit in conducting a Needs Assessment. It is a fundamental step in discovering vital project components related to space programming, planning and future needs.
A thorough needs assessment begins with
participation of the users and client. The
study will provide a trustworthy "baseline" of
current and projected space requirements, an
estimate of the size of the property required
for the facility, and preliminary project cost
projections. Conceptual space diagrams
identifying adjacencies may also be
developed to provide a visual presentation
of the findings.
Our approach is collaborative and combines our planning and expertise with our Client's operational data and environmental requirements to formulate a strategic plan and a facility implementation plan.
Site Capacity and Planning
Our site studies begin with determining site capacities by taking into regard the appropriate codes, zoning requirements, perimeter circulation and existing urban infrastructure. Our experience in these tasks range from master-planning large public school campuses, to smaller urban infill projects or those with challenging topographical conditions.
Baseline Project Constraints
Our finished Feasibility Study report will provide our Client's with comprehensive information as it pertains to programmatic, economical and scheduling requirements. This information can be utilized as baseline criteria for project development, and refined during project development.